Five Years of Imperfect Courage

As a home-schooling mama to a teenager and a pre-teen, science and music teacher to other home-schooled kiddos, Noonday Collection ambassador, Beautycounter Advocate, and sometimes-backup for our church worship team, “going scared” is a good phrase to characterize most of the moments in my life. For as long as I can remember, anxiety and panic have been ever-present “thorns” to contend with.

Elisabeth Elliot says, “Sometimes the fear does not subside, and you must do it afraid.” Well, my guess is that, if you’re breathing, you can relate. My story– the little details of my life– may be unique to me just as your story and life details are unique to you, but we’re all in this together. All of us manage seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Five years ago, Jessica Honeggar, the founder of Noonday Collection, wrote a book entitled Imperfect Courage: Live a Life of Purpose by Leaving Comfort and Going Scared. I wish I could say I’d read it all the way through, and after posting this, I plan to read past the bookmark close to the middle of this book and actually finish it so that I can give you a full and honest review! However, I’m posting today on another matter related to the book.

I am ordering this shirt tomorrow. It is a gorgeous color that will take you from fall into the holidays and beyond (I love to wear short-sleeved tees with a black or white long-sleeved tee beneath.), and look at the writing at the collar!

It went live about 10 minutes ago! There’s a VERY limited supply of these tees and I’d like to offer a bulk order if anyone local is interested. Each t-shirt is $42 (I am covering shipping and tax.), and proceeds go towards supporting a student that is part of our K-12 Sunrise Scholars school for the year. Do you want to order the book too? Let me know, and I’ll add it to the order!

30 shirts = 1 year for 1 Ugandan student in tuition fees! Can you let me know by tonight (9/21) if you’d like to be added to the bulk order so that I can order first thing in the morning? I can’t guarantee that they will still be in stock even over the weekend, so sooner is better!

And just to challenge you a bit, what are you reading now? What do you want to read this fall? Are you like me? Do you enjoy reading around the season (reading a spooky book or two in October, something Christmassy in December, etc…)?

I am currently reading The Nine Tailors by Dorothy Sayers, Imperfect Courage by Jessica Honeggar (LOL!), the book of Ezra in my collaborative reading with my church family, Wife School by Julie N. Gordon, The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD, and Faith that Endures: A Practical Commentary on the Book of Hebrews by J. Dwight Pentecost.


No sleep to speak of this week. It’s not that grief is new. It’s just that this loss, in particular, well, it’s different. And this introvert is such an extroverted feeler, which was very convenient as an instrumentalist when I was doing that upwards to eight hours a day. I could be alone in a practice room and lose myself in the piano. It’s not so convenient right now… not when I’m in full-time mama/teacher mode.

I sat down with my guitar just now and played so hard, and then wanted to tear the neck off the thing. How can it be spring? How can things be emerging in new life when the ashes of someone so loved are bringing vitality to a young river birch in western Michigan?

How stupid is that?

It’s wrong. It’s so incredibly stupid and wrong. He could be fathering five kids… creating… playing his guitar… being the artist he was born to be.

Instead, he’s tree fertilizer.

But wow… the emotion is flowing now… completely unstuck for the first time in a while. I imagine I’ll sleep tonight. And maybe I can come back to this guitar and piano tomorrow and play without risk of ruining the finish with the salt water pouring outta my stupid face.


I mean, really?

What the heck?

It shouldn’t be real.

But it is.


Note: This is about my millionth draft of a testimony I was asked to give at our women’s retreat. It is not really intended to be read, but to be heard with some off-the-cuff comments thrown in. I hope that, if you are reading it now, you are encouraged by it.


I started writing this testimony late one night into an early morning. It was a series of torturous hours in which sleep would not find me. I rehashed all the events, put a spotlight on all the bitter details, in an attempt to force it all to make sense. I finally came to the realization that, if we purpose to see through God’s eyes, these things will never make sense, because none of it was ever HIS will.

Anyway, in a testimony, you want to hear how I’ve come out better on the other side… how things are made new in the power of God’s healing. I can testify to that, but also to the fact that I have a long way to go in trusting Him to reach an ultimate end. But I wonder, even in eternity, do we reach an ultimate end? Are we getting ourselves to some observable point? Or do we continue to grow and expand into the absolute WONDER of who HE IS? That’s what I choose to believe. We’re not working toward an end at all, but a glorious new beginning!!!!! Isn’t that so incredible? Doesn’t it give you goosebumps to think of what we might be doing 400… 1000 years from now? And lest you think I came up with that on my own… NOPE… I have to credit Dallas Willard with that idea. And if you need some relief I suggest going on YouTube and finding his Renovation of the Heart talks for free. They are life-changing. 

Here’s the deal… and it really is the deck we’re all handed. We might rehash it all in the way I attempted to that night into early morning. We might become bitter. I know I have shared and maybe even poisoned others with my bitterness, many, many, many times under this glowing banner of TRANSPARENCY. What I want to say here is this. It takes humility. It takes becoming a blubbering, sobbing, childish, almost screaming mess in front of your pastor and your friend (his wife) that you so greatly admire. It takes owning your own culpability in the messes of your own life to get you to the place where you realize that, yes, this horrible thing happened. LOTS of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, things happened, to get the people that you love SO MUCH to what feels like this hopeless place.  NONE OF THEM WERE GOD’S WILL!

BUT HE IS SOVEREIGN!!! Let me say that again. HE IS SOVEREIGN…He knows… and He loves us despite it all. He deems us “worth it” with this crazy “no-matter what” love that He showers on us… a love we, frankly, are at a loss most of the time, to understand in our current state.  

And somehow He takes all our less-than-perfect moments and turns them all over for His Glory… His Plan. It’s the only thing that allows all this to make sense in my heart. It’s the only thing that allows me to forgive some major hurts from some major people in my life. It’s the only way I can forgive myself.

I’ve been in a very dark place. Some of you are there with me now. I know some of your stories. Some of you, I can only guess at because you’re not quite as “out there” with all the messes as I tend to be. I think the psychological term for it is “extroverted feeling”. Well, whether you’re an extroverted or introverted feeler, I want to give you this word of hope. 

If you’re like me and your family of origin was not ever the source of strength, encouragement, and pride that you hoped it would be, can I share something with you? You might be further along the road than you think. Maybe even further than folks that grew up in such a “wished for” way. You’ve been required, like me, to seek out encouragement from women-of-faith authors like Elisabeth Elliot, faithful women in your church like Nan Wilcox, women like Mary Elizabeth Erwin (my incredible piano teacher and mentor), and like Karen Allen, my precious mother-in-law. You’ve been required to go to men like Asa Low (a choral director for six years who was more a surrogate spiritual father than a music teacher), like Bill Wilcox, like my husband, and even a crotchety, atheist botany professor that found you oddly unique in your love for God and their favorite branch of science. These men and women were placed in my path ON PURPOSE. My parents are my parents ON PURPOSE. They brought me to some of these other helpers in my life out of their love for me and in their own seeking through this same lack that I feel! I have friends like Erin Thompson, Lori Horner, Jennifer Dyer (a best friend forever since the first day of kindergarten), Lisa Neisler who lost a brother in much the same way, and Regina Gossage. They all know me a little too well, and still love me, and love ON me despite that fact. We all have this Body of Christ to hold us up if we will just see it, acknowledge it, and find gratitude for it. We have the Holy Spirit to help us. We have the Word of God, which has been such a light to me over the past year and a quarter now as we’ve read it together as a church Body. 

And maybe you are new to this BRBC body of believers. If you are the newbie, as I have been too many times, take it as your personal responsibility from God to take part in this body no matter how introverted or shy you might be. Someone else here knows that feeling. I’m one of those people, standing before you today, who used to come to Blue Ridge with my Bible and a bag full of book covers to hide behind. I will be here and make myself available to draw you in, and I charge the rest of the inhabitants of this room to do the same, no matter how entrenched you are in your comfortable networks.

I’ll end the way you probably think I should have begun. I officially came to Christ on All Saint’s Day, 1983. In all honesty, I believe I was a follower much earlier than that, and I have stepped away and walked back onto the “straight and narrow,” more times than I care to count. I remember, at the age of 3 or 4, “helping” my mother dig weeds out of our gravel driveway under a young live oak tree and a huge Texas sky. I asked her that day, “Mama, how big is God?” She wisely replied, “God can be any size he wants to be. He can be big enough to fill the whole sky or he can be small enough to fit on the cushion of that dandelion you’re holding in your hand.” I marveled at that thought. And she was right of course. And in all of our failing and falling and trying to get back up again, He will always be big enough to fit whatever situation we find ourselves in. 

DON’T ever doubt that He uses others, He gifts others, He uses His creation and other’s ability to manipulate it into things like medications to help us when we need it. As the quintessential eldest child, I’ve burdened myself most of my life with the ridiculous notion that I can and should do it all on my own. I am currently on a medication to help me manage debilitating panic attacks. I spent three years with those attacks before I finally gave in and tried the meds. I had to swallow a lot of misplaced pride to seek that help. He uses what He wishes… He chides as He wishes. He requires humility throughout, accompanying the admission that we CANNOT do it all on our own. We ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT be independent in this. We require help. As long as we inhabit these bodies, we are still a part of a fallen creation. We have what we need to live a life that glorifies Him, but we do not have all the answers… not yet. 

Most of you know… some of you may not… that my brother passed away tragically last May, leaving behind 5 young children. We were in the hospital with him for nine agonizing days as we watched him improve and then deteriorate again. He and I and my middle brother, Aaron, were the children of deeply-wounded parents who did their absolute best under the circumstances. I choose not to go into all the ways that my childhood and family life was hard and hurtful today… ways watching my brother die dredged up all sorts of unresolved issues from those years. I want instead to explain what continues to bring beauty from literal ashes… Joshua’s ashes.

Throughout the months following Josh’s death, something began to happen. I know people were praying. I was praying too. And somewhere in that space a little tendril of understanding began to wind its way around and through my heart. That tendril found its way into atriums and ventricles that had been hardened with bitterness, like asphalt, for decades. That tiny tendril grew until it burst through, revealing tender pink flesh. It slowly put on lovely, heart-shaped leaves, like the leaves of a sunflower. Eventually, the holy whispers of the Spirit stirred those leaves and tendrils. In quieter moments I could almost begin to hear amidst the sigh of that breeze, “I am sovereign. My plan is good. I am good. I have provided for you. You have family. You have me. You have my Word. You have my Body broken for you. You have the promise of eternity. You are free in Me no matter how bound you feel by circumstance.”

God’s Word, read as a Body… I am still hungry, still  grasping for all that truth in a framework prayed for and set about by our Blue Ridge leadership. The people that were there for me just moments after I received tragic news of my brother Josh, and offered an ear (in the middle of the BRBC sanctuary I might add) but also offered space for me to manage in my own way without judgement (You know who you are.). It was the Body of Christ broken for me… God’s Spirit indwelling me… helping me in ways I can’t even explain to you because that would require a purer language than I’ve yet learned to speak. 

And please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not knocking counseling or transparency… even help from a psychologist or psychiatrist here. PLEASE… for your sake and your families’ sake, GET IT! I have, and I’m better for it. I will continue to do so when I need it… and I will need it. My family and my marriage are better for it. However, you’d better make sure your counselors/therapists/and psychiatrists are grounded in TRUTH before you give them the gift of your time and money. They help. They are gifted with the skills they possess for a reason by a loving God… FOR YOU! Sometimes you have to unload the attic and spread all that heavy stuff out before you to find the thing that is taking up too much space and making the entire ceiling sag. In time, you can offload the heavy stuff, and add back the good stuff!

But please hear this if you don’t hear anything else while I’m standing here. Anytime we begin to operate out of OUR wounds and not His, we’re done for. I know. I’ve been the repository for the wounds of my family for ages… and I’ve acted out of my own wounds for nearly 50 years now. It doesn’t work. I repeat. IT DOES NOT WORK. When we start to view life through the lens of the powerlessness of our own hurt, out of some victim identity and refuse to see the POWER in his pain… His blood… His body broken for us, we will flounder, just like Peter when he was called out onto the water with Jesus. As soon as He took his eyes off his Redeemer and got an eyeful of his own situation, he began to sink again. When we forget to see the purpose in His pain… when we forget that His pain was suffered for us… we make little gods of our own troubles. We idolize our own stories and glorify ourselves in the process.

A truth I want to leave you with is also an image that has held me through so many moments when I was “tempted to despair”. 

He became the sinless, spotless, perfect sacrifice making every member of my family and yours absolutely worth it… worth the pain and suffering and anxiety and sadness… and… no matter what insecurity or fear we suffer with, making US absolutely worth it as well… worth it all, because of what He did on the cross. Imagine with me a word picture first presented to me by J.P. Moreland in his book Finding Quiet and now, in this space with you, amplified by me. When I close my eyes, I see my heart space almost as an open window in late spring, with a vivid green, tree-lined meadow in the distance. That vibrant green vine that I described before, that tendril of understanding, is growing all along and around the heart-shaped window (Maybe tell them about a subject you can talk about one-on-one — the science behind this “extra” brain we have surrounding our physical hearts.). The Holy Spirit is stirring the leaves… whispering His help to my heart and to yours. I place my hands over my heart and imagine a nail-scarred hand covering mine. And I imagine His head bowed, Our High Priest’s wounded brow just millimeters from my own. And He’s praying… He’s praying specifically for me right now… interceding for me… just as He is for you… forever… our High Priest forever. This is real stuff. This isn’t a flight of fancy. This is Bible truth and it is happening for all who trust in His Name at this very second. Let’s do that together. Let’s put our hands over our hearts and bow with our High Priest. Let’s pour out our hearts to Him as he pours out His holy heart to the Father. How powerful and comforting is that image? I imagine that one glorious day, my spirit self will climb through that space, that heart-shaped window, and out of this fallen shell of a body. We’ll crawl into those Eternal Hands and Arms…the “Everlasting Arms” that lie underneath it all. Let’s pray silently together and then, if you will allow me, I will intercede for you a few moments as we close our time together. God bless you.

Maybe pray through Hebrews 8ish – 10ish… the description of the Perfect Sacrifice, once forever…

Holding my Tongue. Holding my Breath.

I ran across a quote a few minutes ago that spoke to something shattered in me.

I’ve written a few texts and deleted them.

I’ve screamed into my pillow.

I’ve gagged on the product of too many tears… gagged on the rape of my innocence. The nausea has been intense.

“I will not get angry with you. I won’t seek revenge and be spiteful. I will only be smart enough to change the role you play in my life.” ~Anonymous

I want to. Oh how I want to. I want to spew every truth related to this 49 years of confusion. But none can force another to hear… respect… care… love.


How does one release a self-fabricated image of the person that has been paramount to their life? How does one endure the injury when an integral part of the identity is stripped away with it?

A desolation has occurred.


Looking without, I see the sun shining through gold and green, brown and orange. I see a green-violet frost-tipped cabbage, gnawed and shredded… tell-tale evidence of a deer’s late-evening snack. I see late-nasturtium blossoms with their tangerine faces reflecting the direct rays of morning sunlight. I see the words of Job.

“Surely then you will lift up your face without blemish;

you will be secure and will not fear.

You will forget your misery;

you will remember it as waters that have passed away.

And your life will be brighter than the noonday;

its darkness will be like the morning.

And you will feel secure, because there is hope;

you will look around and take your rest in security.

You will lie down and none will make you afraid;”

The questions come,

“Do I serve a just God?” Belief wavers.

“Do I serve a good God?” A tear falls.

“Then why, God?”

I hold my breath.


What I Really Wanted to Say…

It’s been a little while, and as I scrambled to get a new password to log into this space for the first time in years, I lost a lot of inspiration. But the main theme is mostly still with me.

I need this space to unburden my heart and mind again. I’ve been on an SSRI to manage extreme panic attacks and agoraphobia (a sudden need to escape inescapable situations). While weaning myself off of the medication this month, I’ve found some of the same symptoms returning. I catch myself forgetting to breathe. Driving is slightly harder again. A sense of overwhelm hits sometimes in such a way that it can feel as if the sky is literally falling in on me. It’s a physical response to a mental unrest and it’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted to overcome.

But grief. Grief is the crux of it all in this season. I started watching Charlie St. Cloud with my son the other night. I had no real idea what it was about. It looked like a clean show so we put it on. Early in the movie there’s an accident scene. Charlie holds his little brother in some space between unconsciousness and eternity. He wakes in an ambulance to find his brother dead on the gurney next to him.

I couldn’t breathe. I found myself gasping for air and sobbing between gasps. Those images were so real and so connected to a similar scene… a REAL scene… that my eyes, hands, heart … they won’t forget. My son came over after quickly turning off the movie and just held me until I came back to myself. And then I couldn’t stop apologizing to him. I’m supposed to be his emotional support… not the other way around.

But it was such a relief… to cry… to release this demon of rage into the universe. More than that really. …to send it flying far… far away from me and the people I love.

Climbing off a plane in a city I’d never visited… thinking my brother’s brain was already fully dead by the time I had mobile reception again… delayed on the tarmac… rushing to the car rental kiosk and breaking down enough to just sit, stalled on the side of some random Michigan highway until I could control my emotions enough to drive again… it still feels like a dream sequence…. like I didn’t really live it.

By the time I was in the hospital parking garage again that night, I couldn’t even find the stupid car. I’d forgotten what color it was… the make and model. I hadn’t intended to sleep in a hotel-room bed anyway.

My brother… racoon eyed… spinal fluid dripping rapidly from both ears and running down his face like tears from his eyes… otherwise looking normal…as if he were crying in his sleep with a gash to his head. I sat alone with him, my hand in his, and choked out a song.

My mind still can’t get around the fact that he’s not just up there doing life in Holland, MI. It hits like a ton of bricks at the most inconvenient times. And everything else feels really, really stupid in those moments.

What the hell am I doing? I don’t even know. Nothing makes sense. Everything seems completely pointless in this light.

One of the scariest most mournful sounds to me is a vixen in the night. I’d never heard one until we moved up to VA on this second go ’round. That sound makes sense to me now. It is more frightening to me than ever because it’s the same wail my heart makes when I suddenly realize all over again that my little brother is dead.

I just notified the pastor at the church where I’ve been setting up with other vendors for a farmer’s market on Fridays, that my space will be empty for the remainder of the season. I’m ready to pack in the side business completely. Is it important? Is it really, really important? If not, then it’s a waste of time.

Is it surface? Is it superficial? Is it fake? It’s so not worth it. Sorry. My time is too precious for that.

Because what I wanted to say is this… none of this has ever been pointless to me. Call me too much… too intense if you want. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard it. If it’s not real to you, well, I have no control over how shallow and idiotic others choose to be… letting people know with my words… more than that… with my TIME… that they are worthwhile to me… I don’t apologize for that. In fact, after thinking it all through, and in light of everything we’ve been through since late May, I rescind any apologies I’ve made regarding my reaction to idiocy, flippancy, and toxic narcissism. I’m not sorry. My anger toward it is a symptom of my care. I actually feel things deeply. If you don’t, I’m sorry for you, but I owe you exactly zero apologies for the can of worms you opened and spilled all over my kitchen floor.

I want to go through the world quietly. Because the whole world seems to be asking the same question… “Do you love me?” I want to slow the engine… lower the roar. I want to hear.

Who’s asking?

Who’s genuinely asking and who’s playing a game?

Because the game players are really asking too. They just don’t want anyone to know it. They’re ashamed of their need. Stupidly so.

And maybe the rare ones are the ones willing to answer back with words, with actions, with attention, with precious time…. “Yes. Yes I love you.”

It struck me that I’ve been going about God all wrong. He was asking me too. “Do you love me? Because you know… I made it about you over 2000 years ago. It’s right here on my hands and feet and side. It was time and actions and the most beautiful words ever uttered this side of eternity… and blood running down my face… like tears from my eyes… all that blood from the gashes in my head… the thorns of a Curse pressed into God’s human flesh. It was complete healing… mental and physical. I raised the dead for you.”

“Do you love me like Mary, sitting at my feet, hanging on my every word? Do you love me like my beloved John with the beautiful eyes…my perceptive friend John, leaning on my arm in the upper room at that last supper? Do you love me with your time and your words and all your wounded and scarred-up heart? Can you make it about me? I made it about you back there when the earth quaked and the sky fell dark… when my blood pooled in the sand at the base of a rough wooden beam.”

“Do you love me?”

“Will you make it about Me for the rest of your life?”

There was a last moment. A time when I couldn’t change my airline ticket again. I had to return to my little family in NoVA. I stared hard at Josh’s profile and for a “not long enough” moment, right up in his ear, I quietly sang…

“When the rain is blowin’ in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I could offer you a warm embrace, to make you feel my love.

When evening shadows and the stars appear, and there is no one to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love.

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong. I’ve known it from the moment that we met… there’s no doubt in my mind where you belong.

I’d go hungry I’d go black and blue. I’d go crawling down the avenue. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do… to make you feel my love.”

Standing in the memory of my child self holding his infant body… singing him to sleep at nap time…I sang Joshua to sleep for the last time.

Bob Dylan’s words came to me in one of those dreams that are too real to be dreams in 2020. My friend, Daniel, was there with a woman that I later realized was an old lover’s mother. Neither of them are with us. It was Daniel’s voice I remember most vividly… a tender voice and a gentle light laugh..attempting to instruct me. I can’t tell you the words now, but he was soothing me. She was so sad. It was clear that he was there for me and for her too.

What I’ve learned about those “dream visions” is this. They are always prophetic in some way, they always leave me in a state of deep peace, and they are sometimes warnings. This one covered all three categories.

It’s rare that we get to feel the kind of love Bob Dylan wrote about in those lines. Turns out, he was writing them about Jesus after all. Only the “rare ones” even attempt to love like the Crucified One. Most of us don’t even get to experience that kind of love with our parents or our spouses.

But to qualify, you don’t have to be loved that way by any human heart. You just have to be open… you just have to show up and be willing to learn.

I had it all wrong.

And ultimately, it’s all I really wanted to say.

It’s what I will say when He asks me again.

“I do. I love you. Please tell me how to show you.”


The title above best defines me today. I am still in pjs with a sweatshirt thrown over the top of all of it, trying not to whine around about a three-day-old headache that isn’t responding to anything and wondering if it will let up so I can get day two of abs, weights, and quads done for the week. I have not washed my face or brushed my teeth. It is 3 pm. There’s a load of laundry on the utility room floor, and another in the dryer that’s been there since yesterday afternoon.

I am not a pajamas-all-day kind of girl except about 2-3 times a year. I’m thinking I need to chill in that area. You know it’s bad if I’m still in my pjs.

I’m still in the recliner. I crawled into this spot with a pillow about 2:45 this morning after waking up in my son’s room with a book on my face. I had managed to get into my bed for a few minutes before Jonathan popped in behind me and fell instantly to sleep while boring his hard skull into a very sensitive place on my back and systematically shoving me to the edge of the bed. One day I will miss this. (???)

I had a very healthy breakfast followed by a not so healthy lunch followed by three gluten free chocolate/rice energy bars and two fudgesicles. Oy. Typically I am working on supper by now. Not today. I don’t think the energy bars worked.

The point behind this week’s post was to highlight some more goals I want to commit to starting Sunday, but frankly, I’m not feeling too hopeful right now. I definitely have a case of “the Februarys” and I’m not likely to come out of it until the temps hit the 60s and I see something green around here besides the stuff that tends to just remain evergreen.

It has been helpful to be able to start singing with the worship team again. Most days, lately, I catch a few wistful glances at my guitar, but I don’t manage to actually play it much unless I can get in a few minutes just before bed. It’s a full-on concert on the treadmill 3-4 mornings a week.

I’m looking forward to attending a meeting on our Good Friday Experience soon (I got to write the content for the accompanying pamphlet published for the event two years ago.). It feels good to collaborate with friends on stuff that will impact eternity and hopefully serve our community a healthy helping of hope in the days to come. Life has been downright scary lately.

So… back to goals:

*Maybe one of those should have something to do with forced rest. I’m just tired. I’d be willing to bet that you are too.

*Seed starting in my little light box… that’s a project brimming with hope and I will do it as soon as I can motivate myself to get my hiney up into that COLD attic and get my box down. I may have to make a second one after glancing at the big plans I have for my garden this year.

*More quail and bee research… definitely want to raise quail this year and get a single bee hive for a wax harvest.

*Ten minutes of yoga daily added to the usual 5-6 days of work outs. Y’all, yoga is the secret sauce. I jut have to make myself do it a few days and then I WANT to do it. I feel so much stronger overall and I’m just a better runner when I’m practicing yoga.

*No-guilt splurge eating once (or twice if I’m keeping up with workouts) a week. This sounds dumb, but seriously, I get so upset with myself when I mess up in the food dept. I’m trying to learn to go easy on myself.

*Purchase 10 lb free weights on my Tuesday Wal Mart visit to up my game on my Tuesday/Thursday workouts. I’m reading that more weight and fewer reps actually has a bigger impact. I’m ready to test that theory.

*Actually eat the Outshine fruit bars I bought to replace the fudgesicles I tend to grab when I start stress eating. The fudgsicles are low calorie, but they are dairy-based and if I’m going to splurge on dairy, I want cheese!

What are your goals? I challenge you to make some and write them down… then go for it until your goals become habits.


Jackie :o)


This is something I wrote about two years ago around this time of year. I’m trying to take it easy right now, which is not something I do well. I am very task and goal-oriented and I have a few small goals for today on top of the usual stuff. I’m just worn out and and moving slooooow this week. So, in an effort to take it easy, I’m re-posting something I’ve already put some effort in to write. Writing is something I love, but it takes a lot of mental and spiritual energy that I don’t have right now.

I don’t think I qualify for a real S.A.D. diagnosis. I’m pretty sure it’s not that bad, but I do deflate like one of those Christmas yard decorations right after the compressor is turned off about this time of year, and I don’t inflate again until the buds start showing and the sun shines warm again. When I perk back up, I’m almost unstoppable… crazy amounts of big time spring energy… lots of laughter, etc. But I can get bogged down and start feeling a little hopeless and sad in mid-February.

I remembered that I told you I’d post that roasted-cauliflower soup recipe that I love though, so here it is. I kinda want it tonight, but I don’t want to ruin my hubby’s Valentine’s weekend, so I guess I’ll put forth some effort on something that’s a little more pleasing to his palette. {smile} I have lots of fresh kale in the colander, so I’ll be getting a big salad made up here in a little while.

Here’s the old post copied from the other blog. For whatever reason, not all the pictures transferred over, and I’m having trouble copying them to this new version of WordPress. Here’s hoping you’ll find encouragement if you’re feeling a little down and dreary too…


Ever been so overwhelmed by something that it kept you at the brink of insomnia for nights on end? An accompaniment to a song, or a chapter in a book?  A quote, a vision, a dream, a poem?

I seem to have inherited this particular brand of obsessive behavior from my father. And typically, for us, those nighttime waking hours involve music. They can be instrumental lines. A rhythm that needs teasing out. Song lyrics, in particular, weave in and out of my waking moments while most of the western world is fast asleep.

And I tend to wonder if it has something to do with the way creativity was intended to work on minds so intentionally crafted to reflect His Image.

“Fair falls the light that hails the dawn,

A frosted, fractal-ed winter’s morn.”

The above lines are mine… an effort to fall in love with winter. When I say it to myself, a little melody line in my head attaches itself to the words. However, the labor of two years has yielded two lines. Clearly, my love affair with winter isn’t going all that well.

January, 2019

On one of those mornings last March when I was feeling like it really ought to be spring, and I was disappointed to open the curtains to snow, again, I got to thinking about how we go about loving the unlovable in our lives. Unlovable seasons, unlovely people, unlovable things that we get kind of stuck with. And that theme won’t leave me alone any more than the piano accompaniment that is driving me to distraction… partly because it is a thing of intense beauty, and partly because I can just almost play it… almost.

And I can just almost love winter… almost.

The day after Christmas, 2018, I knelt with my knees on a cardboard pizza box in our muddy back yard. I had a spade in one hand, a pile of daffodil bulbs scattered around me, and a homemade dibbler in my jacket pocket. The dibbler was a gift, turned by a kind neighbor in his garage woodshop. It was presented to us shortly after my stand of prized sunflowers was wasted by a late summer storm. It has become one of my favorite things… mostly because someone thoughtfully crafted it by hand with me and my family in mind.

December, 2018

I was determined to do something full of hope on the day that tends to be the biggest let down of the entire year… December 26th. The word “frivolity” kept popping into my head as I pushed leaves aside to make holes three times the length of each flower bulb.

My task was a frivolous one. I hadn’t touched the laundry and I didn’t have the foggiest idea what we were going to eat for supper. Hungry kiddos would be seeking me out in a matter of minutes, and I was elbow deep in cold mud. There really wasn’t time to be in the yard planting forty daffodil bulbs. It felt like a waste… a ridiculous waste of time.

The fall of the winter light, the mildness of the solstice evening, the shape of the slender, bare trees, so symmetrical, and framed so delicately by the indirect rays of the evening sun, delighted my mind and lifted my mood. The image of Spirit hands tugging at my chin to lift my head kept filling my mind and transforming my demeanor until happy tears watered my work… a Frivolous Love extended to a beloved daughter in the midst of her desperate, childish grasp for something beautiful.

Incarnation. Ideas enfleshed. Images in notebooks. Notes on paper. Journals filled with prayers and prose. Hands covered in dirt. Flower bulbs in frozen ground. Ink blots on knuckles. Fingers on strings. Candles flickering on a table filled with a homespun feast. Isn’t this what we were made for? Isn’t this how we love Him?

February, 2019

The first time I read Wordsworth’s “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” I was spellbound. And then, as a young adult, traveling and studying in Wales, I got the chance to walk among the ruins of Tintern Abbey. I couldn’t help but imagine the draftsmen drawing the plans for this magnificent place of worship. I could see their faces wondering at the glory of such a place in such a setting.  And when, years later, I read the following quote, I finally understood why the words of C.S. Lewis have the power to move me so deeply. 

“Anything like the sweetness and peace of the long shafts of sunlight falling through the window on this grass cannot be imagined. All churches should be roofless. A holier place I never saw.” 
(C.S. Lewis speaking of a winter visit to Tintern Abbey – from Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis by George Sayers)

How can I love winter? Exchange books on Christmas Eve? Drink a lot of citrus-y tea? Use a happy light? Diffuse oils? Supplement? Work out? Diet?

All those things are good…great even. But I think maybe there’s something better.

Love the Creator of winter and love for His creation becomes the logical result.  And in that relationship I learn that every season holds hope.  Every season of the year.  Every season of an age.  Every season of a life. Even seasons that feel like a hard, long winter. The joys so particular to winter are completely unseen… seeds and bulbs silently dreaming beneath the snow… gathering energy from soil and sun to rise again into the gilded atmosphere of spring. Those naked trees hold a multitude of verdant shades hidden just beneath a brownish-gray veneer. Yet even in the depths of winter gloom bloom camellias and snow drops. Bright berries and rose hips adorn prickly boughs. The drear landscape is simply a dull canvas awaiting a deeper glory contained within the Divine.

The Lifter of our heads expects us to hold on to hope, to have faith, to abide the winter… with unlovely people, with unlovely things, with the unloveliness in ourselves, with all the things that seem hopeless in the midst of the coldest and darkest time of year… because we love Him… because we trust Him. We are unwavering in our belief that He will call light and warmth and life back out from winter darkness.

January, 2019

And as we await the spring, maybe we should wait creatively. Maybe we should revel in a big hope. We grow closest to our Father when we join Him in the garden, our hands covered in dirt, when we lift our voices in His praise, when our eyes scan the lyrical poetry of King David, when our fingers sketch, however imperfectly, something glorious in His creation, when we notice and delight in the ability He gave us all to re-create in some way. His creativity is the attribute that truly makes Him I Am. This ability to bring life from death, light from darkness, something from nothing, beauty from ashes.

December, 2018

On any given day, my little girl can be found somewhere at the end of a trail of construction paper, markers, tape, glue and crayons. The trail weaves through multiple rooms as she changes the setting for a story she’s writing in her mind. At the end of such a trail, you’ll find her muttering to herself… creating cloud castles and rainbow palaces for Calico Critters and stuffed kitties. My boy… well, he’s in front of the heater or the wood stove with Legos making swishing sounds as his newest flying apparatus soars through the big, big sky in his big, big mind. You might find him at a keyboard making up a tune now and then too. From our earliest moments we emulate our Father in our need to make something from nothing. How do we recapture what came so naturally then? Creatively waiting in expectation allows us to join Him in incarnation, and it restores our hope in Him.

Awake, again, in the too early hours of a winter’s morn, I whisper it like a litany… over and over into a sky embellished with stars, my breath visible in the frigidity, the winter darkness like a shroud…

My hope is in You.

My hope is in You.

My hope is in You.
~Psalm 39:7

December, 2018

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” ~Hebrews 11:1-2


I’m officially tired.

I had a great time in Texas, but missed seeing one of my friends who ended up in emergency surgery the day after I arrived. Guess I need to schedule another trip! :o) It was good to be down there and pulling for her while she was in surgery. She is doing well, but will need another procedure this coming Thursday.

I did get to see my all time best friend again (The gal I met on the first day of kindergarten.). Her Daddy swung by and visited with us. They might as well be members of the family. When I walked in, Jen and Riley (her daughter) were watching Grease. Talk about a blast from the past! We watched that together whenever we could when we were kids. :o) Then her grocery order showed up at the door and we talked in the kitchen while putting everything away.

I hadn’t intended to, but since the rental car was in the shop most of one day, I got the surprise of spending that entire day with my Dad. We got to spend lots of time together on the final day of my visit as well. After a movie marathon, the guitar came out and we each played a bit and sang together.

Granny is 97 and re-living her teen years. She was married by age 18 and became a mama at age 19, so there’s a lot to relive. She’s constantly looking for her little ones. I learned a lot last week… like how she used to put her glasses in her purse after she walked out the door on her walk to the high school on Diamond Hill near the Fort Worth Stock Yards (I seem to remember doing something similar in middle school until I finally got fitted for contacts.). I heard all over again about how bashful my grandfather was and about how she had to ask him to marry her. She told me about how folks used to store quilting frames in the ceiling and I learned everything she knows about canning and gardening.

It’s bittersweet to visit there now. There are lots of memories in and around that house and acre where she’s lived now for over fifty years. Granny is a child in an elderly woman’s body. Grandaddy died in that house. My great-grandparents lived there almost until they died at ages 99 & 100. We spent many Christmas-Eves eating her homemade divinity, fudge, and Christmas cookies and bugging our parents to death to “Go ahead and let us open presents already!”

The rest of my little family did pretty well while I was gone. I do feel a bit more appreciated now that I’m home. I’ve never been away for more than a couple nights at one time. There’s been a lot to catch up on.

Mostly, I’ve needed to re-stock the pantry with items that I need for mine and Melanie’s diets. I get on the treadmill a little before 6 am and got my run in. After getting the wood stove going, I got pancakes started for the kids and cassava tortillas stirred up and ready to throw on the cast iron for myself. I didn’t have the ingredients available to make another big pan of apple or cherry crumble. I’m hoping to take care of that this weekend. The cassava tortillas are super easy. I make breakfast tacos with them and use them for fish tacos and fajitas as well. I had a bag of cassava flour sent to mom and dad’s house and made two batches of tortillas while I was there. All you need is flour, water, EVOO, and salt. It’s extremely easy.

Cassava Tortillas…

*1C cassava flour (I like Otto’s. For some reason there’s a difference between brands in consistency and Otto’s is my favorite to work with.)

*Approx. 1/2 C warm water. I generally add more until I get the consistency I need.

*2 Tbs EVOO

*1/4 to 1/2 tsp salt

I use a fork to stir and then put a plastic sandwich baggie over my hand to mash it all into a dough. I take a small handful and pat out rounds onto parchment paper approx. five inches in diameter. Toss them into a preheated cast iron skillet and cook about a minute or two on each side.

I think they’re better than flour tortillas you can buy at the store or get at restaurants. They’re not as good the day after, but they don’t last very long. This recipe makes about 6-8 tortillas.

I made another big kale salad tonight and a big pot of roasted cauliflower soup (so that I can add to my freezer meals). My kids love the soup unless Daddy is home complaining about it. He got home late tonight and they ate it up. It’s not his favorite meal, but it’s super healthy and I always make it when I’m needing to reset after traveling or veering away from AIP in a big way.

If you’re not familiar with Chebe rolls, well, you’re missing out. I used to only buy the dinner roll mixes. They are naturally gluten free. If you’ve ever been to a Brazilian steak house (my hands-down favorite restaurant splurge), you’ve likely had rolls similar to these. Instead of using the traditional roll mix, I buy the boxes of pizza crust and make rolls out of them. The pizza mixes don’t have powdered milk added. I still add cheese to them, but I add mozzarella. For whatever reason, mozzarella doesn’t seem to have the same negative effect as cheddar on my system. Everyone loves them in our house.

While I’m not “supposed” to have dairy at all, it’s one of those things. If you’re SO good that you never splurge on anything that you like at all, you’re more likely to fall off the wagon for good (at least that’s been my experience). I am coming off a week of having a Dr. Pepper a day. I told myself before I hopped on the airplane that I wasn’t going to worry about that kind of splurge in Texas. The deal I made with myself is that I could either have a DP a day or have some ice cream. I chose DP at the beginning and ate no ice cream. I was tempted one evening, but I was strong with the hope of a DP in my immediate future. While I’m in VA I have a small DP from Chick Fil A about once every couple weeks. Allowing the splurge helps me stay strong in other areas.,TopRight,0,0_SX569SY720SH20_.jpg

I’ll add the roasted cauliflower soup recipe on my next post. It really reminds me of the potato soup recipe my mom used to make when someone in the house was feeling unwell. I love it.

I mentioned last week that I’d talk a bit about exercise. I spent a full year working up to my current speed and distance in running. Most weeks I run about 12 miles. Sometimes I run 16, but that’s very rare these days. I hate running on the treadmill, but I hate being cold even more, and it’s too cold up here right now for this Texas native. Last year at this time, I wasn’t even running a mile without walking somewhere in there.

Every other day I “try” to get in three sets of 28 lunges. I’m slowly adding to that number. I started at about 15 last year.

I’ve used a balance ball for years and right about the time I turned 40 a personal trainer friend taught me the move above. I think it’s actually a reverse plank. I complete three sets of the above while working my arms with free weights (I have 2 lb and 5 lb free weights that I use. I don’t go above 5 lbs. I’m not interested in looking like a body builder. I just want to be toned.). It’s an excellent ab workout and it takes care of two areas at the same time. I also use the balance ball against the wall to do squats and on the floor for a modified sit up/ crunch.

Honestly, I miss the days when I was pulling my kids in a trailer behind my mountain bike on a hilly little military base in NW San Antonio. My quads were ripped and running was much easier. I really need to get on my bike with my kids again. It is such a help with speed work and endurance when my quads are more developed.

Something I REALLY need to start practicing again is yoga. There’s some kind of symbiotic relationship between yoga and running for me. I’m much less likely to end up with shin splits and achy knees, even if I’m just completing 10 minutes of easy yoga a day. Here’s my favorite free yoga program on YouTube…

Yoga with Kassandra

I still really have very little knowledge, and she’s great about telling you every move to make and helping you know your limits. I am not the most flexible individual, so her suggestions are very helpful to me and have helped me avoid injury.

Just a little plug for the ZYIA side biz:

I’m doing a mystery hostess event starting on Sunday which means you participate as a VIP and get a chance to win all the hostess rewards. Pop over to my ZYIA Facebook Community page if you’re interested. Let me know if you want an invite to join. I’m living in ZYIA these days and excited about the expanded men’s and kid’s lines.

Off the List

Well, I told you I’d come back and let you know what items from last weekend’s “To Do” list fell right off the bottom. First I want to make sure you read to the bottom though in case you’re interested in the ZYIA biz. I have some items with links highlighted there.

I got a lot done last weekend, and while I did check to see if Southern States will be carrying quail chicks (they won’t… although they have 532 varieties of chicken, duck, and goose), I did not get under the house to see if we have fencing and T posts available to get things underway soon. I also did not get my garden planned so I could order seed. Seed is selling out fast in these days of COVID, and while I have a lot already cataloged and some saved from last year’s plants, seed does tend to lose viability as it ages.

It has become a goal to get one of these written a week though, and although my goal was to get it posted yesterday, I’m still in under the wire on this week. I’m running a great ZYIA party right now for a super lady (and when I say super, I mean you can actually see the cape). I’m still wrapping my mind around this business thing though while juggling everything else. I’m thankful she was willing to trust me with my first and her first party. She’s already doing very well.

I was sitting in another doctor’s office yesterday texting a VIP in my life about how sick I was of doctors when I got a reality check. I had to pop over to Facebook for a business post when I saw that my sweet cousin, Cindy (who is fighting Multiple Myeloma), had posted on her page. She is tired of fighting and was throwing out some really vulnerable stuff. And I became instantly ashamed of my attitude because, while my road isn’t easy, it sure ain’t that hard. So, dear reader, if you pray at all, please pray for that sweet girl. She’s gonna keep fighting, and I wanna keep fighting for her in the spiritual realm. She is such a precious soul and beautiful person… such a strong believer. I love her very much. She inspires me in ways precious few can.

I’m determined to get a kale salad made and another apple or cherry AIP crumble, cook up some bacon and some cassava tortillas, and get my arse down to the garden for some chard to chop and saute with lemon juice, EVOO, and garlic at some point this weekend. I have to cook this weekend (and cooking is just not my favorite thing…but feeling good is…).

So, in keeping with the more inspirational aspect of this blog, here’s a recipe for the Kale and Root Veggie Salad that I love and helps me get green stuff in my body during the winter. I’m hoping to post more on exercise next week…

I wanted to add some ZYIA items that I just received. These are more staple items, but since I’m currently running a party, I linked up in the buttons to each item to make searching and shopping easier.

Red Copper-Charged Tank

I received some exciting mail today and wanted to share these in my current party and on my business page. This is the red copper-charged tank. This fits true to size (TTS) but if you want it to hang a little looser, size up one. I’m wearing a black bomber bra beneath (also TTS), and a pair of luxe hi-rise drawstring pocket leggings (size down one). This is the first copper-charged tank I’ve tried! I love it!

Black Bomber Bra

I’m generally not one to go to the gym or go running without a tank over a workout bra, but I wanted you to get an idea how these look on real folks. We’re all different and I admire the gals that have the guts to let it show.

Flamingo Twist Tank

This is twist tank #5 for me. This may be my absolute favorite ZYIA item. I love the way it fits over the belly and booty. I also ordered the light n tight paisley strappy bra. You’d need to size up one in the bra. The tank is TTS.

Freshness Racer Tank

This is a Mommy and Me offering, so Melanie got one today as well. It is super cute on her. If you want more room in this one, size up one. Otherwise, it fits TTS.

Black Havana Tank

I think I like this Havana Tank better than my white one. I’m wearing a navy bomber bra beneath. This would be really cute with various bomber colors underneath. I’m looking forward to wearing this out and about with a cardigan.

Luxe Hi-Rise Pocket Drawstring Leggings

I know you’ve already seen this photo, but I wanted to add a link to the leggings. Just a reminder, size down one in these and check out the other styles available in the luxe leggings. These are more for lounging but they work great for workouts as well.

Too Many Pies

It’s Friday. I could sleep for 72 hours straight. I’m cramming some lunch into my face at 3:05 pm, which is an improvement over the last few days when I forgot to eat lunch altogether. I definitely feel as if I have my finger in too many pies.

I’m reminding myself today that each little success comes with a sacrificial outlay on the front end, whether that involves finances, physical energy, time, or all three. I’m trying very hard NOT to sacrifice the things I prioritize… my faith, my family, and the education of my children.

I’m just not a person that can function in a business situation inside a tight list of parameters and tiny details without a bigger picture of my own design. If those parameters and details fit inside that picture somewhere, well, I can function quite happily as long as the focus on the grand design never gets too blurry.

This is the “big picture” aspect of my sun-infused stained-glass window…


Today, I’m gearing up to start a ZYIA Activewear party all on my own (with a lot of help from a friend). I’m simultaneously excited and nauseous. SO, I’m prioritizing cooking for myself.

The one day I remembered to eat lunch this week, it consisted of potato chips and two chocolate/granola GF power bars. Gluten free does not automatically translate to “good for you”. That may have something to do with the nausea. Or… it could be that I’ve been eating on AIP apple crumble that’s a tad past its freshness date. Most likely I’m just nervous because this whole business venture is WAY outside my comfort zone.

I’ve really struggled to eat right this week. I felt badly enough at workout time this morning that I was only able to walk what I usually run and I came in a full mile under my usual workout in the same amount of time. I’m proud of myself for taking it easy and conserving that energy for what I knew I might be facing this afternoon. I’m at my goal weight, so I’m just thankful that I was able to get up and move for a while.

I will stay up late, late, late to plan and prepare things for my family or for co-op, but I don’t prioritize myself in that way. So I’m now promising myself that if I get low on my AIP food, I’ll knock that up to the top of my list so that we can all function well. If I don’t feel well, I tend to let my family and friends down. It’s certainly worth it to prioritize cooking for myself (and Melanie too).

I also decided at 5:30 am that we’d be eating MOD pizza for supper to conserve some of the AIP meals that I have stowed in the freezer. Whenever I cook, I make enough for 2-3 meals and put the rest away for weeks that I get too busy to cook. If you don’t know about MOD, well you should try it. They have a GF crust and a cauliflower crust. I get the cauliflower crust because it doesn’t seem as inflammatory to my system. I am so thankful that MOD pizza exists. I can ask them to go light on the mozzarella too and they usually do a great job keeping it sparse enough to allow my digestive enzymes to cover the damage. Sometimes this splurge is just the shot in the arm I need to get on top of my list without getting too far off my diet.

***Here’s the cherry variation on the AIP apple crumble that I put in last-week’s post.***


2 lbs frozen pitted cherries (thawed, not drained), 3 T freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 T honey (If you’ve been off sugar for a bit, you can lower this amount. When I’m off sugar, 2 T of honey almost tastes too sweet to me)


3/4 C Cassava flour, 3/4 C tigernut flour, 1/3 C Coconut flour (I fill the measuring cup 1/2 way with coconut flour and round it out with golden ground flaxseed.), 1/2 C granulated coconut or date sugar (I use date.), 1/2C melted palm shortening, 1/4 C unsweetened applesauce


Preheat oven to 350.

Combine cherries, lemon juice, and honey in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. Allow to simmer about 20 minutes. Transfer the filling to a 8×11 glass baking dish

Combine the cassava flour, tigernut flour, coconut flour, date sugar, palm shortening, and applesauce in a bow. Mix with a fork until you get a dry, crumbly dough. Sprinkle over the filling.

Bake for 30 minutes or until the crust turns golden brown.

~From Sophie Van Tiggelen’s The Autoimmune Protocol Made Simple

So… now that I’ve taken my AIP cherry crumble out of the oven, I have breakfast ready for the next few days at least.

Goals for the weekend…

  1. Botany prep. for co-op science to take me through classes to the end of the year… filed in a plastic storage crate with needed materials so that I can grab and go.
  2. Close down a homeschool week which means filing schoolwork, lesson plans, and books and by editing next week’s schedule, printing that and getting it to the fridge to reference for Monday.
  3. Inventory supplies to see what we’ll need to purchase to get a fence around a sand box so that it can be repurposed as a new quail sanctuary.
  4. Set up a party page on a sweet friend’s social media and wrap my mind around the next week and a half of work from home.
  5. Check my seed inventory, put some ideas into my garden plan template, and order what’s needed to start plants indoors in mid-February.

What’s on your list for the weekend? Good luck, but don’t forget to prioritize your health and well-being. Don’t share my tendency to pile everything on the list in the #1 slot. Make sure something falls off the end to allow for rest and fun and give yourself lots of grace when that happens! I’ll let you know next week what I didn’t get to! I can guarantee you there will be a something or two (or three)! :o)

God Bless!

